Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dinger is a nice dinosaur!!

If you only knew how often Terry and I have the following conversation with Taya:

Taya: "Mommy (or Daddy) I wanna tell you dome-ting..."
Us: "What, Taya?"
Taya: "Dinger id a nice dina-daur....He hug SO much!"

For those of you who don't know, Dinger is the Colorado Rockies mascot. Taya got to meet him about a month or so ago when we took the 3 girls to a game. She has been absolutely enthralled with him ever since! She literally talks about him at *least* once a day. She got to have her picture taken with him and I guess he hugged her, too, since she talks about that all the time as well. Tonight she said "Mommy I go bye-bye to dee (see) Dinger!" It makes me sad because she gets SO upset when we tell her that he's "ni-night."

(Here's a small pic off the Colorado Rockies website of her beloved Dinger....)
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Carisa said...

That is SO cute!

Casey said...

I love the dinosaur!!! It's so cute!! Hey Girlie, write to me when you're free OK??