Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Taya is such a funny girl...

On Sunday I was sitting at the kitchen table with Taya's aunt Mak and we started talking about all of the funny things Taya says and does... Right after she put her little hand out and said "Welcome to my Grandma..." to introduce everybody to my mom.

She also has the way of making it near impossible to keep a straight face when getting her in trouble... I almost always have to turn my head away because she makes me laugh!

She's at a stage now where she insists on doing absolutely EVERYTHING herself. She likes to buckle her car seat, pour the water in her oatmeal, brush her hair, pick out her own clothes, read books to me, wash her hair, walk by herself (I'm rarely allowed to hold her ;) ) She's just turned into little miss independent! I'm SO proud of her!!

The other night, she was reading a book with my dad and memorized 10 words and was reading them back to my dad when he would point at them randomly. I really think she'll be able to read by the time she goes to Kindergarten... she has just always wanted to be a "big" girl!