Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mirror mirror on the wall....

Lately Taya's favorite thing to do has been to stand on her step stool (which appropriately states "Princess in Training") and make faces at herself in the mirror. I think it's so cute! She'll sing and dance and experiment with sticking her tongue out, squinting her eyes, etc. It cracks me up! She's such a little character.

I have been SO busy with work this lately that it feels like I don't even have a life. There wasn't a night last week that I got home before 9, and most nights it was even later than that. The Parade of Homes for Northern Colorado started this past Saturday, so there was definitely a lot to do to prepare for that. (Especially since we have 3 entries this year!) I love my job though, and hopefully it'll all pay off in the end :) Speaking of that... I'm writing another contract this week hopefully---yay!!! These people are so sweet and it makes me feel so happy to help people make such a huge decision. I'll definitely be updating on that :)

Let's see... not much else is new. We went and got Taya's halloween costume yesterday at the Childrens Place. This year she's going to be a leopard. I think it'll be perfect because she always likes to pretend to be a cat... I think she'll have SOOO much fun with Halloween this year! I also bought a couple of little halloween treats to send to my favorite god-daughter in the WHOLE world, Alwa. I need to get those sent asap so they make it across the ocean in time :)

Hopefully I'll have more time this week than last to blog! Oh also, T and I got a new bed set yesterday, so I'll take pics of that later to post. I suck at posting pics lately! XoX

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Im sure it will pay of in the end!=) Im SO glad that you love your job!!
Alwa says Hiii ;) You are the best godmother in ther world!